VCV Rack API v2
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011]
 Crack::history::ActionAn undo action with an inverse redo action
 Crack::dsp::AppleRingBuffer< T, S, N >A cyclic buffer which maintains a valid linear array of size S by sliding along a larger block of size N
 Crack::widget::BaseEventBase class for all events
 Crack::dsp::BooleanTriggerDetects when a boolean changes from false to true
 Crack::dsp::ClockDividerCounts calls to process(), returning true every division calls
 Crack::dsp::ComplexFFTComplex-valued FFT context
 Crack::ContextRack instance state
 Crack::dsp::Decimator< OVERSAMPLE, QUALITY, T >Downsamples by an integer factor
 Crack::DeferWrapper< F >Defers running code until the scope is destructed
 Crack::audio::DeviceA single audio device of a driver API
 Crack::midi::DeviceA single MIDI device of a driver API
 Crack::dsp::DoubleRingBuffer< T, S >A cyclic buffer which maintains a valid linear array of size S by keeping a copy of the buffer in adjacent memory
 Crack::audio::DriverWraps an audio driver API containing any number of audio devices
 Crack::midi::DriverWraps a MIDI driver API containing any number of MIDI devices
 Crack::engine::EngineManages Modules and Cables and steps them in time
 Crack::widget::EventContextA per-event state shared and writable by all widgets that recursively handle an event
 Crack::engine::Module::ExpanderRepresents a message-passing channel for an adjacent module
 Crack::window::FontText font loaded in a particular Window context
 Crack::dsp::Frame< CHANNELS, T >Useful for storing arrays of samples in ring buffers and casting them to float* to be used by interleaved processors, like SampleRateConverter
 Crack::dsp::IIRFilter< B_ORDER, A_ORDER, T >Digital IIR filter processor
 Crack::dsp::IIRFilter< 3, 3, float >
 Crack::window::ImageBitmap/raster image loaded in a particular Window context
 Crack::widget::Widget::KeyBaseEventAn event prototype with a GLFW key
 Crack::patch::ManagerHandles the Rack patch file state
 Crack::dsp::MidiGenerator< CHANNELS >Converts gates and CV to MIDI messages
 Crack::dsp::MidiParser< MAX_CHANNELS >Converts MIDI note and transport messages to gates, CV, and other states
 Crack::dsp::MinBlepGenerator< Z, O, T >
 Crack::ModelType information for a module
 Crack::plugin::ModelType information for a module
 Crack::engine::ModuleDSP processor instance for your module
 Crack::engine::ParamHandleA weak handle to a Param
 Crack::settings::PluginWhitelistThe VCV JSON API returns the data structure {pluginSlug: [moduleSlugs] or true} where "true" represents that the user is subscribed to the plugin (all modules and future modules)
 Crack::audio::PortA handle to a Device, typically owned by modules to have shared access to a single Device
 Crack::midi::PortA handle to a Device, typically owned by modules to have shared access to a single Device
 Crack::widget::Widget::PositionBaseEventAn event prototype with a vector position
 Crack::dsp::PulseGeneratorWhen triggered, holds a high value for a specified time before going low again
 Crack::QuantityA controller for manipulating a float value (which subclasses must store somehow) with limits and labels
 Crack::dsp::RealFFTReal-valued FFT context
 Crack::math::Rect2-dimensional rectangle for graphics
 Crack::dsp::RingBuffer< T, S >Lock-free queue with fixed size and no allocations
 Crack::dsp::SampleRateConverter< MAX_CHANNELS >Resamples by a fixed rational factor
 Crack::SharedLock< TMutex >
 Crack::SharedMutexAllows multiple "reader" threads to obtain a lock simultaneously, but only one "writer" thread
 Crack::window::SvgScalable Vector Graphics document
 Crack::dsp::TExponentialFilter< T >Applies exponential smoothing to a signal with the ODE \( \frac{dy}{dt} = x \lambda \)
 Crack::dsp::TExponentialSlewLimiter< T >Behaves like ExponentialFilter but with different lambas when the RHS of the ODE is positive or negative
 Crack::widget::Widget::TextBaseEventAn event prototype with a Unicode character
 Crack::dsp::TPeakFilter< T >Like ExponentialFilter but jumps immediately to higher values
 Crack::dsp::TRCFilter< T >The simplest possible analog filter using an Euler solver
 Crack::dsp::TSchmittTrigger< T >Turns HIGH when value reaches a threshold (default 0.f), turns LOW when value reaches a threshold (default 1.f)
 Crack::dsp::TSchmittTrigger< float >
 Crack::dsp::TSlewLimiter< T >Limits the derivative of the output by a rise and fall speed, in units/s
 Crack::dsp::TTimer< T >Accumulates a timer when process() is called
 Crack::dsp::Upsampler< OVERSAMPLE, QUALITY >Upsamples by an integer factor
 Crack::math::Vec2-dimensional vector of floats, representing a point on the plane for graphics
 Crack::simd::Vector< TYPE, SIZE >Generic class for vector types
 Crack::string::VersionStructured version string, for comparison
 Crack::dsp::VuMeter2Models a VU meter with smoothing
 Crack::WeakBaseBase class for classes that allow WeakPtrs to be used
 Crack::WeakPtr< T >A weak pointer to a subclass of WeakBase
 Crack::window::WindowOS window with OpenGL context