►Crack::history::Action | An undo action with an inverse redo action |
►Crack::history::CableAdd | |
►Crack::history::InverseAction< CableAdd > | |
Crack::history::CableRemove | |
Crack::history::CableColorChange | |
Crack::history::ComplexAction | Batches multiple actions into one |
►Crack::history::ModuleAction | An action operating on a module |
►Crack::history::ModuleAdd | |
►Crack::history::InverseAction< ModuleAdd > | |
Crack::history::ModuleRemove | |
Crack::history::ModuleBypass | |
Crack::history::ModuleChange | |
Crack::history::ModuleMove | |
Crack::history::ParamChange | |
Crack::engine::Module::AddEvent | |
Crack::dsp::AppleRingBuffer< T, S, N > | A cyclic buffer which maintains a valid linear array of size S by sliding along a larger block of size N |
►Crack::widget::BaseEvent | Base class for all events |
Crack::widget::Widget::ActionEvent | Occurs after a certain action is triggered on a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::AddEvent | Occurs after a Widget is added to a parent |
Crack::widget::Widget::ButtonEvent | Occurs each mouse button press or release |
Crack::widget::Widget::ChangeEvent | Occurs after the value of a Widget changes |
Crack::widget::Widget::ContextCreateEvent | Occurs after the Window (including OpenGL and NanoVG contexts) are created |
Crack::widget::Widget::ContextDestroyEvent | Occurs before the Window (including OpenGL and NanoVG contexts) are destroyed |
Crack::widget::Widget::DeselectEvent | Occurs when a different Widget is selected |
Crack::widget::Widget::DirtyEvent | Occurs when the pixel buffer of this module must be refreshed |
Crack::widget::Widget::DoubleClickEvent | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed a second time on the same Widget within a time duration |
►Crack::widget::Widget::DragBaseEvent | |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragDropEvent | Occurs when the mouse button is released over a Widget while dragging |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragEndEvent | Occurs when a Widget stops being dragged by releasing the mouse button |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragEnterEvent | Occurs when the mouse enters a Widget while dragging |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragHoverEvent | Occurs every frame when the mouse is hovering over a Widget while another Widget (possibly the same one) is being dragged |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragLeaveEvent | Occurs when the mouse leaves a Widget while dragging |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragMoveEvent | Occurs every frame on the dragged Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragStartEvent | Occurs when a Widget begins being dragged |
Crack::widget::Widget::EnterEvent | Occurs when a Widget begins consuming the Hover event |
Crack::widget::Widget::HideEvent | Occurs after a Widget is hidden with Widget::hide() |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverEvent | Occurs every frame when the mouse is hovering over a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverKeyEvent | Occurs when a key is pressed, released, or repeated while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverScrollEvent | Occurs when the mouse scroll wheel is moved while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverTextEvent | Occurs when a character is typed while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::LeaveEvent | Occurs when a different Widget is entered |
Crack::widget::Widget::PathDropEvent | Occurs when a selection of files from the operating system is dropped onto a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::RemoveEvent | Occurs before a Widget is removed from its parent |
Crack::widget::Widget::RepositionEvent | Occurs after a Widget's position is set by Widget::setPosition() |
Crack::widget::Widget::ResizeEvent | Occurs after a Widget's size is set by Widget::setSize() |
Crack::widget::Widget::SelectEvent | Occurs when a Widget begins consuming the Button press event for the left mouse button |
Crack::widget::Widget::SelectKeyEvent | Occurs when a key is pressed, released, or repeated while a Widget is selected |
Crack::widget::Widget::SelectTextEvent | Occurs when text is typed while a Widget is selected |
Crack::widget::Widget::ShowEvent | Occurs after a Widget is shown with Widget::show() |
Crack::dsp::BooleanTrigger | Detects when a boolean changes from false to true |
Crack::engine::Module::BypassEvent | |
Crack::engine::Module::BypassRoute | |
Crack::engine::Cable | |
Crack::string::CaseInsensitiveCompare | |
Crack::dsp::ClockDivider | Counts calls to process(), returning true every division calls |
Crack::dsp::ComplexFFT | Complex-valued FFT context |
Crack::Context | Rack instance state |
Crack::midiloopback::Context | |
Crack::dsp::Decimator< OVERSAMPLE, QUALITY, T > | Downsamples by an integer factor |
Crack::DeferWrapper< F > | Defers running code until the scope is destructed |
Crack::audio::Device | A single audio device of a driver API |
►Crack::midi::Device | A single MIDI device of a driver API |
Crack::midi::InputDevice | |
Crack::midi::OutputDevice | |
Crack::dsp::DoubleRingBuffer< T, S > | A cyclic buffer which maintains a valid linear array of size S by keeping a copy of the buffer in adjacent memory |
Crack::widget::Widget::DrawArgs | |
Crack::audio::Driver | Wraps an audio driver API containing any number of audio devices |
Crack::midi::Driver | Wraps a MIDI driver API containing any number of MIDI devices |
Crack::engine::Engine | Manages Modules and Cables and steps them in time |
Crack::widget::EventContext | A per-event state shared and writable by all widgets that recursively handle an event |
Crack::widget::EventState | |
►Cstd::exception | |
Crack::Exception | An exception explicitly thrown by Rack or a Rack plugin |
Crack::engine::Module::Expander | Represents a message-passing channel for an adjacent module |
Crack::engine::Module::ExpanderChangeEvent | |
Crack::window::Font | Text font loaded in a particular Window context |
Crack::dsp::Frame< CHANNELS, T > | Useful for storing arrays of samples in ring buffers and casting them to float* to be used by interleaved processors, like SampleRateConverter |
Crack::dsp::IIRFilter< B_ORDER, A_ORDER, T > | Digital IIR filter processor |
►Crack::dsp::IIRFilter< 3, 3, float > | |
Crack::dsp::TBiquadFilter< T > | |
Crack::window::Image | Bitmap/raster image loaded in a particular Window context |
►Crack::widget::Widget::KeyBaseEvent | An event prototype with a GLFW key |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverKeyEvent | Occurs when a key is pressed, released, or repeated while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::SelectKeyEvent | Occurs when a key is pressed, released, or repeated while a Widget is selected |
Crack::engine::Light | |
Crack::engine::LightInfo | |
Crack::patch::Manager | Handles the Rack patch file state |
Crack::midi::Message | |
Crack::dsp::MidiGenerator< CHANNELS > | Converts gates and CV to MIDI messages |
Crack::dsp::MidiParser< MAX_CHANNELS > | Converts MIDI note and transport messages to gates, CV, and other states |
Crack::dsp::MinBlepGenerator< Z, O, T > | |
Crack::Model | Type information for a module |
Crack::plugin::Model | Type information for a module |
Crack::engine::Module | DSP processor instance for your module |
Crack::settings::ModuleInfo | |
Crack::engine::Param | |
Crack::engine::ParamHandle | A weak handle to a Param |
Crack::Plugin | |
Crack::plugin::Plugin | |
Crack::settings::PluginWhitelist | The VCV JSON API returns the data structure {pluginSlug: [moduleSlugs] or true} where "true" represents that the user is subscribed to the plugin (all modules and future modules) |
Crack::audio::Port | A handle to a Device, typically owned by modules to have shared access to a single Device |
►Crack::engine::Port | |
Crack::engine::Input | |
Crack::engine::Output | |
►Crack::midi::Port | A handle to a Device, typically owned by modules to have shared access to a single Device |
►Crack::midi::Input | |
Crack::midi::InputQueue | An Input port that stores incoming MIDI messages and releases them when ready according to their frame timestamp |
Crack::midi::Output | |
Crack::engine::Module::PortChangeEvent | |
Crack::engine::PortInfo | |
►Crack::widget::Widget::PositionBaseEvent | An event prototype with a vector position |
Crack::widget::Widget::ButtonEvent | Occurs each mouse button press or release |
Crack::widget::Widget::DragHoverEvent | Occurs every frame when the mouse is hovering over a Widget while another Widget (possibly the same one) is being dragged |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverEvent | Occurs every frame when the mouse is hovering over a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverKeyEvent | Occurs when a key is pressed, released, or repeated while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverScrollEvent | Occurs when the mouse scroll wheel is moved while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverTextEvent | Occurs when a character is typed while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::PathDropEvent | Occurs when a selection of files from the operating system is dropped onto a Widget |
Crack::engine::Module::ProcessArgs | |
Crack::dsp::PulseGenerator | When triggered, holds a high value for a specified time before going low again |
►Crack::Quantity | A controller for manipulating a float value (which subclasses must store somehow) with limits and labels |
►Crack::engine::ParamQuantity | A Quantity that wraps an engine::Param |
Crack::engine::SwitchQuantity | |
Crack::engine::Module::RandomizeEvent | |
Crack::dsp::RealFFT | Real-valued FFT context |
Crack::dsp::RealTimeConvolver | |
Crack::math::Rect | 2-dimensional rectangle for graphics |
Crack::engine::Module::RemoveEvent | |
Crack::engine::Module::ResetEvent | |
Crack::dsp::RingBuffer< T, S > | Lock-free queue with fixed size and no allocations |
Crack::engine::Module::SampleRateChangeEvent | |
Crack::dsp::SampleRateConverter< MAX_CHANNELS > | Resamples by a fixed rational factor |
Crack::engine::Module::SaveEvent | |
Crack::engine::Module::SetMasterEvent | |
Crack::SharedLock< TMutex > | |
Crack::SharedMutex | Allows multiple "reader" threads to obtain a lock simultaneously, but only one "writer" thread |
Crack::history::State | |
Crack::window::Svg | Scalable Vector Graphics document |
►CTAction | |
Crack::history::InverseAction< TAction > | |
►CTBase | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::RectangleLight< TSvgLight< TBase > > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVSliderLight< TBase > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::TSvgLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LargeLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 5mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::MediumLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 3mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::SmallLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 2mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::TinyLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 1mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::LightButton< TBase, TLight > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< TBase, TLightBase > | An SvgSlider with an attached light |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< TLightBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::PB61303Light< TBase > | A light to displayed over PB61303 |
Crack::componentlibrary::RectangleLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVBezelLight< TBase > | A light for displaying on top of VCVBezel |
Crack::dsp::TExponentialFilter< T > | Applies exponential smoothing to a signal with the ODE \( \frac{dy}{dt} = x \lambda \) |
Crack::dsp::TExponentialSlewLimiter< T > | Behaves like ExponentialFilter but with different lambas when the RHS of the ODE is positive or negative |
►Crack::widget::Widget::TextBaseEvent | An event prototype with a Unicode character |
Crack::widget::Widget::HoverTextEvent | Occurs when a character is typed while the mouse is hovering a Widget |
Crack::widget::Widget::SelectTextEvent | Occurs when text is typed while a Widget is selected |
Crack::dsp::TPeakFilter< T > | Like ExponentialFilter but jumps immediately to higher values |
Crack::dsp::TRCFilter< T > | The simplest possible analog filter using an Euler solver |
Crack::dsp::TSchmittTrigger< T > | Turns HIGH when value reaches a threshold (default 0.f), turns LOW when value reaches a threshold (default 1.f) |
Crack::dsp::TSchmittTrigger< float > | |
Crack::dsp::TSlewLimiter< T > | Limits the derivative of the output by a rise and fall speed, in units/s |
►CTSwitch | |
Crack::componentlibrary::MomentarySwitch< TSwitch > | |
Crack::dsp::TTimer< T > | Accumulates a timer when process() is called |
Crack::engine::Module::UnBypassEvent | |
Crack::engine::Module::UnsetMasterEvent | |
Crack::library::UpdateInfo | |
Crack::dsp::Upsampler< OVERSAMPLE, QUALITY > | Upsamples by an integer factor |
Crack::math::Vec | 2-dimensional vector of floats, representing a point on the plane for graphics |
Crack::simd::Vector< TYPE, SIZE > | Generic class for vector types |
Crack::string::Version | Structured version string, for comparison |
Crack::dsp::VuMeter | Deprecated |
Crack::dsp::VuMeter2 | Models a VU meter with smoothing |
►Crack::WeakBase | Base class for classes that allow WeakPtr s to be used |
►Crack::widget::Widget | A node in the 2D scene graph |
Crack::app::CableWidget | |
►Crack::app::LedDisplay | |
Crack::app::AudioDisplay | Designed for Audio-8 and Audio-16 module |
Crack::app::MidiDisplay | |
Crack::app::LedDisplaySeparator | |
Crack::app::PlugWidget | |
►Crack::app::SvgPanel | |
Crack::app::ThemedSvgPanel | |
►Crack::app::SvgScrew | If you don't add these to your ModuleWidget, they will fall out of the rack.. |
►Crack::app::ThemedSvgScrew | |
Crack::componentlibrary::ThemedScrew | |
Crack::componentlibrary::ScrewBlack | |
Crack::componentlibrary::ScrewSilver | |
Crack::componentlibrary::SegmentDisplay | |
Crack::ui::Label | |
Crack::ui::ProgressBar | |
Crack::ui::SequentialLayout | Positions children in a row/column based on their widths/heights |
Crack::ui::Tooltip | |
►Crack::widget::FramebufferWidget | Caches its children's draw() result to a framebuffer image |
Crack::widget::OpenGlWidget | A FramebufferWidget that can be drawn on with OpenGL commands |
►Crack::widget::OpaqueWidget | A Widget that stops propagation of all recursive PositionEvents (such as ButtonEvent) but gives a chance for children to consume first |
►Crack::app::LedDisplayChoice | |
Crack::app::AudioBlockSizeChoice | |
►Crack::app::AudioDeviceChoice | |
Crack::app::AudioDeviceMenuChoice | |
Crack::app::AudioDriverChoice | |
Crack::app::AudioSampleRateChoice | |
Crack::app::MidiChannelChoice | |
Crack::app::MidiDeviceChoice | |
Crack::app::MidiDriverChoice | |
Crack::app::ModuleWidget | Manages an engine::Module in the rack |
►Crack::app::ParamWidget | Manages an engine::Param on a ModuleWidget |
►Crack::app::Knob | Implements vertical dragging behavior for ParamWidgets |
►Crack::app::SliderKnob | |
►Crack::app::SvgSlider | Behaves like a knob but linearly moves an widget::SvgWidget between two points |
Crack::componentlibrary::BefacoSlidePot | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVSlider | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< VCVSlider, VCVSliderLight< BlueLight > > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< BlueLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LEDSliderBlue | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< VCVSlider, VCVSliderLight< GreenLight > > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< GreenLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LEDSliderGreen | Deprecated |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< VCVSlider, VCVSliderLight< RedLight > > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< RedLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LEDSliderRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< TLightBase > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< VCVSlider, VCVSliderLight< WhiteLight > > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< WhiteLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LEDSliderWhite | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightSlider< VCVSlider, VCVSliderLight< YellowLight > > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightSlider< YellowLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LEDSliderYellow | |
►Crack::app::SvgKnob | A knob which rotates an SVG and caches it in a framebuffer |
Crack::componentlibrary::BefacoBigKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::BefacoTinyKnob | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hLargeBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hLargeRedKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hLargeWhiteKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hRedKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Davies1900hWhiteKnob | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PSBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PSGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PSRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PSWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan1PWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PSBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PSGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PSRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PSWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2PWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan2SGray | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PSBlue | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PSGreen | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PSRed | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PSWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan3PWhite | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan5PSGray | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Rogan6PSWhite | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::RoundKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::RoundBigBlackKnob | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::RoundBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::RoundBlackSnapKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::RoundHugeBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::RoundLargeBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::RoundSmallBlackKnob | |
Crack::componentlibrary::SynthTechAlco | |
Crack::componentlibrary::Trimpot | |
►Crack::app::Switch | A ParamWidget that represents an integer |
►Crack::app::SvgSwitch | A ParamWidget with multiple frames corresponding to its value |
Crack::componentlibrary::BefacoPush | |
Crack::componentlibrary::BefacoSwitch | |
Crack::componentlibrary::CKD6 | |
Crack::componentlibrary::CKSS | |
Crack::componentlibrary::CKSSThree | |
Crack::componentlibrary::CKSSThreeHorizontal | |
Crack::componentlibrary::NKK | |
Crack::componentlibrary::PB61303 | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TL1105 | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVBezel | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightBezel< TLightBase > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightBezel< WhiteLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightBezelLatch< TLightBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVBezelLatch | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightBezel< TLightBase > | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::VCVButton | |
►Crack::componentlibrary::LightButton< VCVButton, TLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLightLatch< TLight > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::VCVLatch | |
►Crack::app::PortWidget | Manages an engine::Port on a ModuleWidget |
►Crack::app::SvgPort | |
►Crack::app::ThemedSvgPort | |
Crack::componentlibrary::ThemedPJ301MPort | |
Crack::componentlibrary::CL1362Port | |
Crack::componentlibrary::DarkPJ301MPort | |
Crack::componentlibrary::PJ301MPort | |
Crack::componentlibrary::PJ3410Port | |
Crack::app::RackWidget | Container for ModuleWidget and CableWidget |
Crack::app::Scene | |
►Crack::app::SvgButton | |
►Crack::app::AudioButton | A virtual audio port graphic that displays an audio menu when clicked |
Crack::componentlibrary::AudioButton_ADAT | |
Crack::componentlibrary::AudioButton_USB_B | |
►Crack::app::MidiButton | A virtual MIDI port graphic that displays an MIDI menu when clicked |
Crack::componentlibrary::MidiButton_MIDI_DIN | |
►Crack::ui::Button | A clickable button with text |
Crack::ui::ChoiceButton | Button with a dropdown icon on its right |
►Crack::ui::RadioButton | Toggles a Quantity between 1.0 and 0.0 when clicked |
Crack::ui::OptionButton | Behaves like a RadioButton and appears with a checkmark beside text |
Crack::ui::List | |
Crack::ui::Menu | |
►Crack::ui::MenuEntry | |
►Crack::ui::MenuItem | |
Crack::ui::ColorDotMenuItem | |
Crack::ui::MenuLabel | |
Crack::ui::MenuSeparator | |
Crack::ui::MenuOverlay | Deletes itself from parent when clicked |
►Crack::ui::ScrollWidget | Handles a container with Scrollbar |
Crack::app::RackScrollWidget | |
Crack::ui::Scrollbar | Parent must be a ScrollWidget |
Crack::ui::Slider | |
►Crack::ui::TextField | |
Crack::app::LedDisplayTextField | |
Crack::ui::PasswordField | |
Crack::widget::SvgWidget | Owns and draws a window::Svg |
Crack::widget::TransformWidget | Transforms appearance only, not positions of events |
►Crack::widget::TransparentWidget | A Widget that does not respond to events and does not pass events to children |
Crack::app::CircularShadow | |
►Crack::app::LightWidget | |
►Crack::app::MultiLightWidget | Mixes a list of colors based on a list of brightness values |
►Crack::app::ModuleLightWidget | A MultiLightWidget that points to a module's Light or a range of lights Will access firstLightId, firstLightId + 1, etc |
►Crack::componentlibrary::TGrayModuleLightWidget< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::LargeSimpleLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 5mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::MediumSimpleLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 3mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::SmallSimpleLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 2mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::TBlueLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TGreenLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TGreenRedLight< TBase > | Reads two adjacent lightIds, so lightId and lightId + 1 must be defined |
Crack::componentlibrary::TRedGreenBlueLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TRedLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TWhiteLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TYellowLight< TBase > | |
Crack::componentlibrary::TinySimpleLight< TBase > | Based on the size of 1mm LEDs |
Crack::componentlibrary::TSvgLight< TBase > | |
Crack::app::PanelBorder | |
Crack::app::RailWidget | |
Crack::ui::TooltipOverlay | |
Crack::widget::ZoomWidget | Resizes the scale of appearance and PositionEvents of children |
Crack::WeakHandle | |
Crack::WeakPtr< T > | A weak pointer to a subclass of WeakBase |
Crack::window::Window | OS window with OpenGL context |
Crack::random::Xoroshiro128Plus | Xoroshiro128+ |