VCV Rack API v2
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NrackRoot namespace for the Rack API
 NappRack's custom UI widgets that control the Rack state and engine
 NaudioAbstraction for all audio drivers in Rack
 NcomponentlibraryLibrary of Rack components: knobs, ports, lights, switches, buttons, etc
 NdspDigital signal processing routines and classes
 NengineHigh-performance classes handling modules and voltage signals between them
 NhistoryAction history for UI undo/redo
 NlibrarySynchronizes plugins with the VCV Library and handles VCV accounts with the API
 NmathExtends <cmath> with extra functions and types
 NmidiAbstraction for all MIDI drivers in Rack
 NpatchHandles the Rack patch file state
 NpluginLoads and manages Rack plugins
 NrandomRandom number generation
 NsettingsProcess-scope globals, most of which are persisted across launches
 NsimdAbstraction of aligned types for SIMD computation
 NstringSupplemental std::string functions
 NuiCommon graphical user interface widgets
 NwidgetBase UI widget types
 NwindowHandles OS windowing, OpenGL, and NanoVG
 CContextRack instance state
 CDeferWrapperDefers running code until the scope is destructed
 CExceptionAn exception explicitly thrown by Rack or a Rack plugin
 CModelType information for a module
 CQuantityA controller for manipulating a float value (which subclasses must store somehow) with limits and labels
 CSharedMutexAllows multiple "reader" threads to obtain a lock simultaneously, but only one "writer" thread
 CWeakBaseBase class for classes that allow WeakPtrs to be used
 CWeakPtrA weak pointer to a subclass of WeakBase