VCV Pluck

Physical modeling synthesizer

74 models of plucked and hammered strings, bells, and hybrid sounds.

Refine and modulate models. Morph models together.

VCV Pluck

A physical modeling synthesizer simulates the acoustic properties of real instruments such as vibrating strings, resonating tubes, and struck surfaces. VCV Pluck uses DSP algorithms to model physical instruments with an intuitive interface to perform and fine-tune the sound. Musicians and sound designers can use this module to create familiar sounds or explore novel sounds beyond acoustic instruments.


Like many synth voices, VCV Pluck can be controlled by sequencers or MIDI sources via its V/OCT pitch and GATE inputs. If a polyphonic cable is patched to V/OCT, VCV Pluck generates a polyphonic voice. Optionally, patch a trigger signal into RETR if you need to retrigger the voice while the gate is active, which re-strikes the instrument even when playing legato notes. The VEL velocity input controls the intensity of sound from a 0–10 V signal. If VEL is unpatched, the voice’s intensity behaves like a 5 V velocity signal.

Enable HOLD to sustain the voice after the gate falls. This is useful for triggering percussive models like bells while allowing them to ring out completely, or for creating sustained drones.


VCV Pluck contains 74 models of physical and imaginary instruments, selectable by clicking MODEL A’s name in the display screen for a menu, or by clicking the ◀ / ▶ arrow buttons. Two models can be blended by selecting MODEL B and moving the MORPH slider horizontally. Morphing two models produces a new model with similar acoustic characteristics to its “parents”, and the blend balance can be modulated with control voltage.

The choice of model can be modulated by patching a CV signal to MDL A or MDL B. Each increment of 0.1 V selects the next model.

The following diagram illustrates VCV Pluck’s overall signal flow and parameter control.

VCV Pluck signal path


VCV Pluck is not limited to synthesizing just 74 instruments. The model (or morphed model) can be fine-tuned by adjusting 6 parameters between -100% and 100%. Each parameter can be modulated with CV and an attenuverter.

The HIT parameter controls the shape of the initial impulse. A positive value increases the sharpness of the transient, while a negative value creates a more gradual attack.

DTN detunes the resonant body to create imperfect out-of-tune harmonics similar to a chorus effect. A negative value improves the tuning of the model, unless the model is already perfectly in tune.

POS adjusts the virtual position of the exciter on the resonant body, producing a different resonant character. On string models, this is the position of the pick, finger, or bow on the string. On bell models, this is the position of the hammer or mallet striking the bell. On other models, the effect on the sound is more abstract.

TONE affects the harmonics and filter cutoff frequency of the resonator. A positive value increases higher frequency harmonics, while a negative value decreases them.

RING affects the decay time of the low-pass filter applied in the resonator. A positive value allows the resonator filter to “ring” longer.

DCY is similar to RING but affects the decay time of the amplitude of the final synthesized sound.

Starter tips

Using a sequencer such as VCV SEQ 3, you can modulate the model with the MDL A input to play a different instrument on each note.

Expert tips

Palm mute and dampening effects can be achieved by sequencing RING and DCY parameters with a gate signal. On sequencer steps you wish to mute or dampen, send a gate to these parameter inputs and apply a desired amount of negative attenuation.

VCV Pluck is multitimbral, meaning that multiple models can be played simultaneously on a single module by using polyphonic V/OCT, GATE, and MDL A/B signals.


  • Bass
    • Soul Bass
    • Pick Round
    • Pick Tight
    • Pick Dirty
    • Fretless Doom
    • Bass Metallizer
  • Bells
    • Tubular Bells
    • Dream of Bells
    • Ghost of Bells
    • Bass Bell
    • Velvet Bells
    • Dream of Chimes
    • Bell Metallizer
    • Dream of Gong
  • Guitar
    • Round Strings
    • Steel Strings
    • Dream of Steel
    • Mellow Steel
    • Octave Steel
    • Dream of Octaves
    • Strings Theory
    • Nylon Round
    • Nylon Tight
    • Dream of Nylon
    • Disco Pluck
    • Mute Metallizer
    • Crazy Flange
    • Distant Chorus
    • Clavitar
    • Velvet Strings
    • Dream of Pluck
  • Keys
    • Acousticlavinet
    • Funklavinet
    • EP Round
    • Dream of EP
    • Ghost of EP
    • Dream of Tines
    • Ghost of Tines
    • Velvet Tines
    • Dream of CP
    • Ghost of CP
    • Dream of Grand
    • Ghost of Grand
    • Grand Metallizer
    • Bell Grand
    • Tubular Grand
    • Metal Grand
    • Glass Grand
    • Mellow Keys
  • Synth
    • Struck Quartz
    • Bowed Quartz
    • Blown Quartz
    • Acoustic Synth
    • Bowed Synth
    • Plucked Synth
    • Velvet Synth
    • Bowed Neutron
    • Blown Neutron
  • Traditional
    • Harp Round
    • Harp Tight
    • Harp Octaves
    • Glass Harp
    • Dream of Harp
    • Sitar
    • Sitar Lush
    • Dream of Sitar
    • Banjo
    • Dream of Kalimba
    • Koto
    • Dream of Koto
    • Dream of Charango
    • Dream of Kantele
    • Ghost of Kantele
    • Harpsichord

VCV Pluck Changelog

2.0.0 (2024-08-21)
  • Initial release
