VCV Manual
Plugin Development
- Tutorial
- API Guide
- Panels
- Manifest
- Presets
- Voltage Standards
- Digital Signal Processing
- Migrating v1 Plugins to v2
- Licensing
Rack Development
Key Commands
In this document, use Command (⌘) instead of Ctrl on Mac.
Global commands
Key commands documented in Rack’s menu bar are not documented here.
- Enter or right-click on rack: Launch the Module Browser to add modules to the rack.
- F1: Open Rack manual in your browser.
- F3: Show/hide CPU meter.
- F11: Enter/exit fullscreen.
- Ctrl+0: Set rack zoom level to 100%.
- Ctrl+-: Zoom out.
- Ctrl+=: Zoom in.
- Scroll: Scroll rack vertically.
- Shift+scroll: Scroll rack horizontally.
- Ctrl+scroll: Zoom in/out.
- Middle mouse button drag: Pan rack view.
- Arrow keys: Pan rack view. You can use Ctrl, Shift, or Ctrl+shift to change the speed of scrolling.
- Ctrl+V: Pastes a new module at the cursor position, from the module context menu “Preset > Copy” or Ctrl+C.
Module commands
You must hover your mouse over a module to issue key commands for it. Key commands documented in the module context menu are not documented here.
- Right click on panel: Open module context menu.
- Click and drag on panel: Drag module in the rack.
- Ctrl+click and drag on panel: Force-drag module. This moves other modules in order to place the dragged module.
- Backspace or Delete: Delete module from the rack. You can hold this key while moving your mouse to delete multiple modules.
Parameter commands
A parameter is any knob, slider, button, switch, or other custom component that controls a module’s state.
- Click and drag vertically: Adjust value. Hold Ctrl while dragging to move the knob slowly, Ctrl+shift to move very slowly, or Shift to move quickly.
- Double-click: Reset to default value.
- Right-click: Open parameter context menu. You can enter an exact value into the text field, or a mathematical expression.
Normal mathematical expressions like
, and2^2
are evaluated to numerical values immediately upon pressing Enter. You can use constants and functions below, which are case-insensitive.-
C, A#, Gb, etc: Frequencies in Hz of note names starting with middle C
C4, A#5, Gb0, etc: Frequencies in Hz of note names with octave numbers (C4 = middle C)
C4v, A#5v, Gb0v, etc: Voltage of notes assuming 1V/octave and C4v = 0V. Added in Rack 2.6.1.
log2(x): Logarithm of x with base 2 Example:
log2(8) = 3
gaintodb(x): Converts a gain/amplitude factor to decibel (dB) units.
Example:gaintodb(1) = 0
,gaintodb(0.5) = -6.0206
,gaintodb(0) = -inf
dbtogain(x): Converts a decibel (dB) value to gain units.
Example:dbtogain(20) = 10
,dbtogain(0) = 1
,dbtogain(-inf) = 0
vtof(x): Converts a 1V/octave value in volts to frequency in Hz, centered at middle-C (261.63 Hz).
Example:vtof(0) = 261.63
,vtof(-1) = 130.81
ftov(x): Converts a frequency value in Hz to 1V/octave value in volts.
Example:ftov(440) = 0.75
,ftov(c#4) == 0.083333